About Me
I mentioned a few weeks ago to my 27 year old daughter that I was thinking of starting a Blog. She said, "Why?" My response to her was that I have stuff to say. I like to write and I like to share experiences, both trivial and significant. And so why not try to put those experiences in a blog. We will see where it goes.
And so what it is YYZ to MRS about?
As you will not doubt recognize, I have named this Blog based on the airport codes of the two towns that I find myself spending time in - Toronto and Marseille. I am blessed. I have health, I have family, and I have one foot in the Old World and one foot in the New World. Perhaps the best of both worlds!
Toronto is the town of my birth and where I have spent the vast majority of my life. Marseille is an adopted town, the home town of my wife. We spend time in both towns and seem to fly back and forth at times too often. The spring lockdown was spent in Toronto and here we are in the fall in what Janny, my wife, is calling Confinement - Season 2. I am going write and share on what I see in my day to day and travels in and around Marseille, and to a great extent the same relating to Toronto when I am there.
What is this is not is a sales site and as a middle aged balding Jewish lawyer, who I am really going to "influence"? I cannot even influence my two children or two step-children. How would I ever influence a reader!
And so with that, enjoy my stuff; my observations and experiences. If you like it, great. And if you don't, no worries. Maybe if nothing else it will inspire you to write and share your own experiences.
- Jay Kellerman